Risultati sintetici Catalogo delle Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa Ricerca: ID Collana = CFI0109673 >> Lingua = inglese >> Editore = harvard university press >> Biblioteca = Biblioteca universitaria di Pisa Risultati: 41-50 di (442) 41. Cicero, Marcus Tullius 28: Letters to Quintus and Brutus ; Letter fragments ; Letter to Octavian ; Invectives ; Handbook of electioneering / Cicero ; edited and translated by D. R. Shackleton Bailey Cambridge (Mass.) ; London : Harvard university press, 2002 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: Cicero : in twenty eight volumes Monografia - Testo a stampa [MIL0554219] 42. Aristophanes Aristophanes / with an English translation by Benjamin Bickley Rogers ; \poi! edited and translated by Jeffrey Henderson Cambridge (Mass.) ; London : Harvard University Press Monografia - Testo a stampa [FER0166999] 43. Athenaeus : Naucratita 3: Books 6.-7. / Athenaeus Cambridge, Mass. ; London : Harvard University Press, 2008 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Fa parte di: The learned banqueters / Athenaeus ; edited and translated by S. Douglas Olson Monografia - Testo a stampa [MIL0741896] 44. Vergilius Maro, Publius 1: Eclogues ; Georgics ; Aeneid 1.-6. / Virgil ; with an English translation by H. Rushton Fairclough ; revised by G. P. Goold Cambridge, Mass. ; London : Harvard university press, 1999 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Monografia - Testo a stampa [UFI0330907] 45. 1 / Martial Cambridge, Mass. \\etc.! : Harvard University press, 1968 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: Epigrams / Martial ; with an english translation by Walter C. A. Ker Monografia - Testo a stampa [TO00343066] 46. Euripides 4!: Trojan women ; Iphigenia among the Taurians ; Ion / Euripides ; edited and translated by David Kovacs Cambridge, Ma ; London : Harvard university press, 1999 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Fa parte di: Euripides / edited and translated by David Kovacs Monografia - Testo a stampa [UFI0330906] 47. Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius 1: Books 1-2 / Quintilian Cambridge, Mass. ; London : Harvard university press, 2001 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: The orator's education / Quintilian ; edited and translated by Donald A. Russell Monografia - Testo a stampa [UFI0377078] 48. Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius 2: Books 3-5 / Quintilian Cambridge, Mass. ; London : Harvard university press, 2001 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: The orator's education / Quintilian ; edited and translated by Donald A. Russell Monografia - Testo a stampa [UFI0377082] 49. Terentius Afer, Publius 1: The woman of Andros ; The self-tormentor ; The eunuch / ; edited and translated by John Barsby Cambridge, Mass. ; London : Harvard university press, 2001 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: Terence / edited and translated by John Barsby Monografia - Testo a stampa [UFI0377099] 50. Terentius Afer, Publius 2: Phormio ; The *mother-in-law ; The *brothers / edited and translated by John Barsby Cambridge, Mass. ; London : Harvard university press, 2001 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: Terence / edited and translated by John Barsby Monografia - Testo a stampa [UFI0377101]