Risultati sintetici Catalogo delle Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa Ricerca: Nomi = Gravelot, Hubert François Risultati: 1-8 di (8) 1. 1: Observations on Egypt. By Richar Pococke ... London : printed for the Author, by W. Bowyer : and sold by J. and P. Knapton, W. Innys, W. Meadows, G. Hawkins, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, R. Dodsley, J. Nourse, and J. Rivington, 1743 Collocazione: R1F i. 14. 9 Fa parte di: A description of the East and some other countries. Volume the first [-Vol. 2. part 2.] ... By Richard Pococke ... Monografia - Testo a stampa [TO0E044752] 2. Guer, Jean Antoine <1713-1764> Histoire critique de l'ame des bêtes, contenant les sentimens des philosophes anciens, & ceux des modernes sur cette matiére ... Par M. Guer, avocat. Tome premier [- second] A Amsterdam : chez François Changuion, 1749 Collocazione: R1B u. 7. 30 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBLE002803] 3. 2.1.: Observations on Palæstine or the Holy Land, Syria, Mesopotamia, Cyprus, and Candia. By Richard Pococke ... London : printed for the Author, by W. Bowyer, 1745 Collocazione: R1F i. 14. 10 Fa parte di: A description of the East and some other countries. Volume the first [-Vol. 2. part 2.] ... By Richard Pococke ... Monografia - Testo a stampa [TO0E044754] 4. Pococke, Richard <1704-1765> A description of the East and some other countries. Volume the first [-Vol. 2. part 2.] ... By Richard Pococke ... London : printed for the Author, by W. Bowyer : and sold by J. and P. Knapton, W. Innys, W. Meadows, G. Hawkins, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, R. Dodsley, J. Nourse, and J. Rivington, 1743-1745 Collocazione: È presente più di una copia Monografia - Testo a stampa [TO0E044751] 5. 2.2.: Observations on the islands of the Archipelago, Asia Minor, Thrace, Greece, and some other parts of Europe. By Richard Pococke ... London : printed for the Author, by W. Bowyer, 1745 Collocazione: R1F i. 14. 11 Fa parte di: A description of the East and some other countries. Volume the first [-Vol. 2. part 2.] ... By Richard Pococke ... Monografia - Testo a stampa [TO0E044758] 6. Marmontel, Jean-Francois Contes moraux par M. Marmontel de l'Academie Françoise. Tome premier [-quatrieme] A Amsterdam : chez Beswiler [i.e. Monaco : Agostino Olzati], 1766 Collocazione: R1FRANCESCHIe.394/1 Monografia - Testo a stampa [UBOE127123] 7. Boccaccio, Giovanni <1313-1375> Le Decameron de Jean Boccace. Tome 1.[-5.] Londres [i.e. Parigi], 1757-1761 Collocazione: È presente più di una copia Monografia - Testo a stampa [VEAE141429] 8. Corneille, Pierre Théatre de P. Corneille, avec des commentaires, et autres morceaux intéressans. Tome premier [-huitieme] , Geneve, 1774 Collocazione: È presente più di una copia Monografia - Testo a stampa [PARE020670]