Risultati sintetici Catalogo delle Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa Ricerca: ID Collana = CFI0109673 >> Editore = harvard university press >> Luogo di pubblicazione = cambridge, mass. Risultati: 281-290 di (290) 281. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus Satires ; Epistles and Ars poetica / with an English transl. by H. Rushton Faircolough London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1966 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0126329] 282. Cicero, Marcus Tullius The letters to his friends / with an English transl. by W. Glynn William London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1958-1960 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0186783] 283. Iosephus, Flavius 8: Jewish antiquities, books 15.-17. / Josephus ; with an english translation by Ralph Marcus ; completed and edited by Allen Wikgren London : W. Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press, 1963 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Fa parte di: Josephus Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0196935] 284. 1 / Dios London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press, 1970 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Fa parte di: Dio's Roman history : in nine volumes / with an English translation by Earnest Cary ; on the basis of the version of Herbert Baldwin Foste Monografia - Testo a stampa [CFI0508987] 285. 2: \Books 12.-35.! Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University press ; London : W. Heinemann, stampa 1970 Fa parte di: Dio's Roman history : in nine volumes / with an English translation by Earnest Cary ; on the basis of the version of Herbert Baldwin Foste Monografia - Testo a stampa [CFI0508989] 286. 7: Books 56.-60.! Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University press ; London : W. Heinemann, 1968 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Fa parte di: Dio's Roman history : in nine volumes / with an English translation by Earnest Cary ; on the basis of the version of Herbert Baldwin Foste Monografia - Testo a stampa [CFI0508994] 287. 5 / Dionysius of Halicarnassus Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press ; London : Heinemann, 1986 Fa parte di: The Roman antiquities of Dionysius of Halicarnassus : in seven volumes / with an English translation by Earnest Cary ; on the basis of the version of Edward Spelman Monografia - Testo a stampa [UBO1568010] 288. Hieronymus <santo> Select letters of St. Jerome / with an English translation by F. A. Wright London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University press, 1963 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Monografia - Testo a stampa [UBO2597256] 289. Cicero, Marcus Tullius 10: In catilinam 1.-4. ; Pro Murena ; Pro Sulla ; Pro Flacco / Cicero ; with an english translation by Louis E. Lord London : William Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press, 1967 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: Cicero : in twenty eight volumes Monografia - Testo a stampa [UBO0986122] 290. Cicero, Marcus Tullius [11]: The speeches : Pro Archia poeta ; Post reditum in senatu ; Post reditum ad Quirites ; De domo sua ; De haruspicum responsis ; Pro Plancio / with an English translation by N. H. Watts London : W. Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press, 1965 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: Cicero : in twenty eight volumes Monografia - Testo a stampa [UBO2597192]