Risultati sintetici Catalogo delle Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa Ricerca: Collezione = Loeb classical library >> Paese = gran bretagna >> Luogo di pubblicazione = cambridge, mass. Risultati: 151-200 di (230) 151. Aristoteles 23: The poetics / Aristotle . On the sublime / Longinus . On style / Demetrius ; ?trad. di W. Hamilton Fyfe? London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1965 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Fa parte di: Aristotle : in twenty three volumes Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0691807] 152. Dionysius : Halicarnassensis The Roman antiquities of Dionysius of Halicarnassus : in seven volumes / with an English translation by Earnest Cary ; on the basis of the version of Edward Spelman Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press ; London : Heinemann Monografia - Testo a stampa [MIL0233991] 153. Dio : Cassius Dio's Roman history : in nine volumes / with an English translation by Earnest Cary ; on the basis of the version of Herbert Baldwin Foste Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University press ; London : W. Heineman Monografia - Testo a stampa [MIL0234437] 154. Aristophanes ?Opera? / with the English transl. of Benjamin Bickley Rogers London : Heienemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1963-1968 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0691775] 155. Aristoteles 12: Parts of animals / with an English translation by A. L. Peck ; Movement of animals, Progression of animals London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press, 1968 Fa parte di: Aristotle : in twenty three volumes Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0691799] 156. 3 London : W. Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1964 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Appi. 3 Fa parte di: Appian's Roman history / with an english translation by Horace White Monografia - Testo a stampa [UM10089240] 157. Ausonius, Decimus Magnus ?Opera? / with an English transl. by Hugh G. Evelyn White London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1961-1967 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0691823] 158. Caesar, Gaius Iulius Caesar : the Gallic war / with an English transl. by H. J. Edwards London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1966 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0691891] 159. Achilles Tatius <novelliere> Achilles Tatius / with an English translation by S. Gaselee London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University press, 1961 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0660432] 160. 7: Book 11. ; Fragments of Books 12.-20. / Dionysius of Halicarnassus ; with an english translation by Earnest Cary on the basis of the version of Edward Spelman Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University press ; London : Heinemann, 1950 Fa parte di: The Roman antiquities of Dionysius of Halicarnassus : in seven volumes / with an English translation by Earnest Cary ; on the basis of the version of Edward Spelman Monografia - Testo a stampa [MIL0234237] 161. Iosephus, Flavius 5: Jewish antiquities, books 5.-8. / Josephus ; with an English translation by H.St. Thackeray and Ralph Marcus London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press, 1966 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Fa parte di: Josephus Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0650543] 162. Plinius Caecilius Secundus, Gaius Letters and Panegyricus / Pliny ; with an English translation by Betty Radice London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University press Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0650715] 163. Isocrates ?Opera? / with an English transl. London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1962-1968 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0653440] 164. 4 / Dionysius of Halicarnassus London : W. Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University press, 1950 Fa parte di: The Roman antiquities of Dionysius of Halicarnassus : in seven volumes / with an English translation by Earnest Cary ; on the basis of the version of Edward Spelman Monografia - Testo a stampa [RAV0811030] 165. Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens Apology ; De spectaculis / Tertullian ; with an English transl. by T. R. Glover . Minucius Felix / with an English transl. by Gerald H. Rendall ; based on the unfinished version by W. C. A. Kerr London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1966 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0662205] 166. 1: Eclogues ; Georgics ; Aeneid 1.-6. / Virgil London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University press, 1967 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: Virgil / with an English translation by H. Rushton Fairclough Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0662248] 167. Vitruvius Pollio On architecture / Ed. from the Harleian manuscript 1767 and transl. into English by Frank Granger London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1962 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0663939] 168. 1: Including Terpander, Alcman, Sappho and Alcaeus London : W. Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press, 1963 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Fa parte di: Lyra graeca : being the remains of all the Greek lyric poets from Eumelus to Timotheus excepting Pindar / newly edited and translated by J. M. Edmonds Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0122538] 169. Elegy and Iambus, being the remains of all the Greek elegiac and iambic poets from Callinus to Crates, excepting the choliambic writers, with the Anacreontea / newly ed. and transl. by J. M. Edmonds London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1968 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0126127] 170. Frontinus, Sextus Iulius The Stratagems ; and The Aqueducts of Rome / Frontinus ; with an english translation by Charles Edwin Bennett ; the translation of the Aqueducts being a revision of that of Clemens Herschel ; edited and prepared for the press by Mary B. McElvain London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1961 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0126801] 171. Aristoteles 13: Generation of animals / with an English transl. by A. L. Peck London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1953 Fa parte di: Aristotle : in twenty three volumes Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0127824] 172. Cicero, Marcus Tullius 12: The speeches : Pro Sestio and In Vatinium / Cicero ; with an English translation by R. Gardner London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University press, 1958 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: Cicero : in twenty eight volumes Monografia - Testo a stampa [PUV0076051] 173. Diogenes : Laertius 1 / Diogenes Laertius ; with an english translation by R. D. Hicks Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Univ. Press ; London : Heinemann, 1925 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Fa parte di: Lives of eminent philosophers : in two volumes / Diogenes Laertius ; with an English translation by R. D. Hicks Monografia - Testo a stampa [TO00553602] 174. Eusebius : Caesariensis The ecclesiastical history / Eusebius Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Univ. Press ; London : Heinemann Monografia - Testo a stampa [TO00554261] 175. Babrius Babrius and Phaedrus / newly edited and translated into English, together with an historical introduction and a comprehensive survey of Greek and Latin fables in the aesopic tradition by Ben Edwin Perry London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press, 1965 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0117443] 176. 3: Corinna, Bacchylides, Timotheus, the anonymus fragments, the folk-songs and the scolia / with an account of Greek lyric poetry London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard U. P., 1959 Fa parte di: Lyra graeca : being the remains of all the Greek lyric poets from Eumelus to Timotheus excepting Pindar / newly edited and translated by J. M. Edmonds Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0122536] 177. Galenus, Claudius On the natural faculties / Galen ; with an English transl. by Arthur John Brock London : W. Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press, 1963 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0126184] 178. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus The Odes and Epodes / Horace ; with an English translation by C. E. Bennet London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press, 1964 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0126326] 179. Basilius : Caesariensis <santo> The letters / With an English transl. by Roy J. Deferrari London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1961-1962 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0128848] 180. Diodorus : Siculus Diodorus of Sicily London : W. Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University press Monografia - Testo a stampa [PUV0164658] 181. Xenophon Xenophon London : W. Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press Monografia - Testo a stampa [RML0066343] 182. Statius, Publius Papinius 2: Thebaid 5.-12. ; Achilleid London : W. Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press, 1961 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: Statius / with an English translation by J. H. Mozley Monografia - Testo a stampa [RML0072865] 183. 3 / Polybius London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press, 1966 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Fa parte di: The Histories : in six volumes / Polybius ; with an english translation by W. R. Paton Monografia - Testo a stampa [RML0072999] 184. Gellius, Aulus <circa 123-circa 180> The Attic nights / with an English transl. by John C. Rolfe London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1961-1968 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0126191] 185. Iuvenalis, Decimus Iunius ?The Satires? / Juvenal and Persius ; with an English transl. by George Gilbert Ramsay London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1961 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0127617] 186. Manetho Manetho / with an english transl. by W.G. Waddell ... ; [In appendice le opere attribuite allo Pseudo-Manetho] Letter of Manetho of Sebennytus to Ptolemey Philadelphus ; Eratosthenes (?) Kings of Thebes ; The old chronicle ; The Book of Sôthis or the Sôthic Cycle ; ?Segue? Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos ; Ed. and transl. into English by F.E. Robbins London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1956 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0129540] 187. Herodotus Herodotus / With an English transl. by A. D. Godley London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1957-1961 Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0001732] 188. Plutarchus Lives / Plutarch ; with an English transl. by Bernadotte Perrin London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harward University Press, 1954- . Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0009775] 189. Procopius : Caesariensis Procopius : in seven volumes / with an English translation by H. B. Dewing London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University press Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10464838] 190. 2 / with an english translation by A. M. Harmon London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University press, 1960 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10544733] 191. 2 London : W. Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1963 Fa parte di: The correspondence of Marcus Cornelius Fronto with Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Lucius Verus, Antoninus Pius, and various friends : in two volumes / ed. and for the first time translated into english b... Monografia - Testo a stampa [UBO1640288] 192. 3: [Books 36.-40.] Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University press ; London : Heinemann, 1969 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Fa parte di: Dio's Roman history : in nine volumes / with an English translation by Earnest Cary ; on the basis of the version of Herbert Baldwin Foste Monografia - Testo a stampa [CFI0508990] 193. 6 / Dios London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press, 1968 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Fa parte di: Dio's Roman history : in nine volumes / with an English translation by Earnest Cary ; on the basis of the version of Herbert Baldwin Foste Monografia - Testo a stampa [CFI0508992] 194. 8: [Books 61.-70.] London : W. Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University press, 1968 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Fa parte di: Dio's Roman history : in nine volumes / with an English translation by Earnest Cary ; on the basis of the version of Herbert Baldwin Foste Monografia - Testo a stampa [CFI0508997] 195. Longus : Sophista Daphnis and Chloe / by Longus ; with the English translation of George Thornley ; revised and augmented by J. M. Edmonds . The love romances / of Parthenius and other fragments ; with an English translation by S. Gaselee London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1962 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0208322] 196. Sidonius Apollinaris 2: Letters : books 3.-9. / Sidonius London : William Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1965 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: Poems and letters / Sidonius ; with an English translation, introduction, and notes by W. B. Anderson Monografia - Testo a stampa [UBO0240927] 197. Iosephus, Flavius 9: Jewish antiquities : books 18.-20. ; General index to v. 1.-9. / with an english translation by Louis H. Feldman London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard U. P., 1965 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Fa parte di: Josephus Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0196936] 198. 2 London : W. Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press, 1961 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: St. Augustine's Confessions : in two volumes / with an English translation by William Watts, 1631 Monografia - Testo a stampa [UBO1435293] 199. Xenophon (1): Cyropaedia : \\books 1.-4.! / with an English translation by Walter Miller London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard university press, 1960, 1914 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10491251] 200. 1 London : Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1961 Collocazione: R1LOEB G Fa parte di: Ausonius : in two volumes / with an English translation by Hugh G. Evelyn White Monografia - Testo a stampa [UBO1435904]