Risultati sintetici Catalogo delle Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa Ricerca: ID Collana = CFI0109673 >> Lingua = latino >> Biblioteca = Biblioteca universitaria di Pisa >> Lingua = inglese >> Luogo di pubblicazione = cambridge, massachusetts >> Anno di pubblicazione = 1969 Risultati: 1-6 di (6) 1. Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus The civil war / Lucan ; with an english translation by J. D. Duff London : W. Heinemann ; Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard university press, 1969 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0653525] 2. Plinius Caecilius Secundus, Gaius 2: Letters, books 8.-10. / Pliny London : W. Heinemann Lts. ; Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard university press, 1969 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: Letters and Panegyricus / Pliny ; with an English translation by Betty Radice Monografia - Testo a stampa [TO00552407] 3. Livius, Titus 5: Books 21.-22. / with an english translation by B. O. Foster London : W. Heinemann Ltd. ; Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard university press, 1969 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: Livy : with an english translation in fourteen volumes Monografia - Testo a stampa [PUV0506545] 4. Tacitus, Publius Cornelius 5: The annals, books 13.-16. / Tacitus ; with an english translation by John Jackson London : W. Heinemann Ltd. ; Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard university press, 1969 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: Tacitus : in five volumes Monografia - Testo a stampa [PUV0510379] 5. Tacitus, Publius Cornelius 3: The histories, books 4.-5. / with an english translation by Clifford H. Moore ; The Annals, books 1.-3. London : W. Heinemann Ltd. ; Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard university press, 1969 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Fa parte di: Tacitus : in five volumes Monografia - Testo a stampa [PUV0510354] 6. Frontinus, Sextus Iulius The stratagems ; and The aqueducts of Rome / Frontinus ; with an English translation by Charles E. Bennett ; the translation of The aqueducts being a revision of that of Clemens Herschel ; edited and prepared for the press by Mary B. McElwain Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press ; London : Heinemann, 1969 Collocazione: R1LOEB L Monografia - Testo a stampa [SBL0115617]