Catalogo delle Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa Ricerca: BID=TO00764312 Scheda: 1/1 Livello bibliografico: Periodico Tipo di materiale: Testo a stampa Titolo: Encuentros / IDB cultural center Numerazione: N. 1 (Apr. 1993)- Editore,distributore, ecc.: Washington : Inter-American Development Bank, (1993)- Descrizione fisica: v. ; 22 cm Lingua di pubblicazione: INGLESE Paese di pubblicazione: STATI UNITI Note: Periodicita non determinata. Ha per supplementi: Houses, voices and language in latin America / a dialogue with Jose Donoso International year of indigenous peoples / address by Rigoberta Menchu Paraguay and its plastic arts / lecture by Annick Sanjurjo Casciero Belize: a literary perspective / lecture by Zee Edgell The development of sculpture in the Quito school / lecture by Magdalena Gallegos de Donoso Approaching the end of the millennium / lecture by Homero Aridjis Haiti: a bi-cultural experience / lecture by Edwidge Danticat The meanings of the millennium / lecture by Bernard McGinn Andean millenarian movements : their origins, originality and achievements (16th-18th centuries) / lecture by Manuel Burga Apocalypse in the Andes: contact zones and the struggle for interpretive power / lecture by Mary Louise Pratt When strangers come to town: millennial discourse, comparison, and the return of Quetzalcoatl / lecture by David Carrasco Understanding messianism in Brazil: notes from a social anthropologist / lecture by Roberto Da Matta El milenio de los pueblos: the legacy of Juan and Eva Peron / Juan E. Corradi Society and poetry: those who come wrapped in a blanket / lecture by Roberto Sosa Welcoming each other: cultural transformation of the caribbean in the 21st. century / lecture by Earl Lovelace How latino immigration is transforming America / lecture by Roberto Suro The iconography of painted ceramics from the northern Andes / lecture by Felipe Cardenas-Arroyo Celebrating the extraordinary life of Elisabeth Samson / lecture by Cynthia McLeod Made in Guyana / lecture by Fred D'Aguiar How the history of America began / lecture by German Arciniegas Comprende: Art in context: aesthetics, environment and function in the arts in Japan / lecture by Ann Yonemura Architecture as a living process / lecture by Douglas J. Cardinal The future of drama / lecture by Alfonso Sastre Composing opera: a backstage visit to the composer's workshop / lecture by Daniel Catan Dance: from folk to classical / lecture by Edward Villella Contemporary Paraguayan narrative : two currents / lecture by Renee Ferrer Brief notes on Ecuadorian and U. S. literature / lecture by Raul Perez Torres Nomi: Inter-American development bank : Cultural centre Forme varianti dei nomi: IDB : Cultural centre Identificativo record: TO00764312