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Ricerca: BID=CFI0066541

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Livello bibliografico Monografia
Tipo di materiale Testo a stampa
Titolo Chartae Latinae antiquiores : facsimile-edition of the Latin charters prior to the ninth century / edited by Albert Bruckner and Robert Marichal ; [poi] edited by Guglielmo Cavallo, Giovanna Nicolaj
Pubblicazione Olten [ecc.] ; [poi] Dietikon [ecc.] : Urs Graf
Descrizione fisica v. ; 45 cm
Lingua di pubblicazione lat - mul
Paese di pubblicazione ch
Note Dal v. 50 il sottotitolo varia in: 2nd series, ninth century.
Comprende Part 96: Italy 68. : Milano 3. / published by Lorenza Iannacci
Part 87: Italy 59. : Lucca 16. / published by Clelia Gattagrisi, Corinna Drago Tedeschini
40: Italy 21. : <<[>>Italia centrale: Lucca, 11] / published by Marco Palma ; in collaboration with Francesco Bianchi
66: Italy 38. : Piacenza 3. / published by Cristina Carbonetti Vendittelli
67: Italy 39. : Piacenza 4. / published by Paolo Radiciotti
Part 94: Italy 66. : Milano 1. / published by Maddalena Modesti
Part 95: Italy 67. : Milano 2. / published by Annafelicia Zuffrano
26: Italy 7. : <<[>>Italia centrale: Pisa] / published by Jan-Olof Tjader
32: Italy 13. : <<[>>Italia centrale: Lucca, 3] / published by Giovanna Nicolaj
30: Italy 11. : <<[>>Italia centrale: Lucca, 1] / published by Paola Supino Martini
31: Italy 12. : <<[>>Italia centrale: Lucca, 2] / published by Armando Petrucci, Franca Petrucci Nardelli
28: Italy 9. : <<[>>Italia settentrionale: Genova, Milano, Trieste] / published by Robert Marichal, Jan-Olof Tjader, Guglielmo Cavallo, Franco Magistrale
36: Italy 17. : << >>Italia centrale: Lucca, 7! / published by Giovanna Nicolaj
35: Italy 16. : << >>Italia centrale: Lucca, 6! / published by Francesco Magistrale
37: Italy 18. : <<[>>Italia centrale: Lucca, 8] / published by Paola Supino Martini
39: Italy 20. : <<[>>Italia centrale: Lucca, 10] / published by Francesco Magistrale
38: Italy 19. : <<[>>Italia centrale: Lucca, 9] / published by Marco Palma ; in collaboration with Francesco Bianchi
27: Italy 8. : <<[>>Italia settentrionale: Cremona, Piacenza, Asti, Torino, Novara] / published by Jan-Olof Tjader
29: Italy 10. : <<[>>Italia settentrionale: Cantù, Monza, Bergamo, Mantova, Verona, Belluno, Padova, Venezia, Modena, Nonantola, Ravenna, Rimini] / published by Jan-Olof Tjader, Francesco Magistrale, Guglielmo Cavallo
62: Italy 34. : Siena 2. / published by Rita Cosma
64: Italy 36. : Piacenza 1. / published by Cristina Mantegna
78: Italy 50 : Lucca 7. / published by Marco Palma
79: Italy 51. : Lucca 8. / published by Clelia Gattagrisi, Francesco Magistrale
80: Italy 52. : Lucca 9. / published by Clelia Gattagrisi, Francesco Magistrale
Part 82: Italy 54. : Lucca 11. / published by Clelia Gattagrisi, Pasquale Cordasco, Corinna Drago Tedeschini
Part 84: Italy 56. : Lucca 13. / published by Clelia Gattagrisi, Corinna Drago Tedeschini, Paolo Fioretti
Part 85: Italy 57. : Lucca 14. / published by Antonino Mastruzzo
51: Italy 23. : << >>Cava dei Tirreni, 2! / published by Francesco Magistrale
49: Concordanze / published by Tiziano Dorandi
52: Italy 24. : Cava dei Tirreni, [3!]/ published by Maria Galante
53: Italy 25. : <<(>>Montecassino, Trani, Barletta, Benevento) / published by Francesco Magistrale, Pasquale Cordasco, Clelia Gattagrisi
55: Italy 27. : Ravenna 2. ; Roma, Città del Vaticano / published by Rita Cosma
54: Italy 26. : Ravenna 1 / published by Giuseppe Rabotti, Francesca Santoni
56: Italy 28. : Piemonte, 1., Asti / published by Gian Giacomo Fissore
58: Italy 30. : Pisa, Volterra / published by Antonino Mastruzzo
57: Italy 28. : Piemonte, 2., Novara, Torino / published by Gian Giacomo Fissore, Antonio Olivieri
59: Italy 31. : Verona 1. / published by Francesca Santoni
60: Italy 32. : Verona 2. / published by Francesca Santoni
61: Italy 33. : Siena 1. / published by Vincenzo Matera
72: Italy 44. : Lucca 1. / published by Clelia Gattagrisi
73: Italy 45 : Lucca 2. / published by Francesco Magistrale
65: Italy 37. : Piacenza 2. / published by Cristina Mantegna
63: Italy 35. : Siena 3. / published by Antonino Mastruzzo
74: Italy 46 : Lucca 3. / published by Francesco Magistrale, Clelia Gattagrisi, Paolo Fioretti
75: Italy 47 : Lucca 4. / published by Francesco Magistrale, Pasquale Cordasco, Corinna Drago
69: Italy 41. : Piacenza 6. / published by Flavia De Rubeis
68: Italy 40. : Piacenza 5. / published by Paola Degni
90: Italy 62. / published by Giovanni Feo ... [et al.]
23: Italy 4. / published by Armando Petrucci, Jan-Olof Tjader
24: Italy 5. / published by Armando Petrucci, Jan-Olof Tjader
1: Switzerland 1 : Basle-St. Gall
2: Switzerland 2. : St. Gallen-Zürich
3: British Museum London
4: Great Britain : (without British Museum London)
5: The United States of America 1
6: The United States of America 2
7: The United States of America 3
9: The United States of America 5
10: Germany 1. : Berlin (DDR)
11: Germany 2. : Berlin (West), Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Deutsche Demokratische Republik
12: Germany 3. : Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Deutsche Demokratische Republik
13: France 1. / published by Hartmut Atsma, Jean Vezin
14: France 2. / published by Hartmut Atsma, Jean Vezin
15: France 3 : Paris / published by Hartmut Atsma, Jean Vezin
16: France 4. / published by Hartmut Atsma, Jean Vezin
17: France 5. / published by Hartmut Atsma ... [et al.]
18: France 6. / published by Hartmut Atsma ... [et al.]
19: France 7. / published by Hartmut Atsma, Jean Vezin and Robert Marichal
20: Italy 1. / published by Armando Petrucci, Jan-Olof Tjader
21: Italy 2. / published by Armando Petrucci, Jan-Olof Tjader
22: Italy 3. / published by Armando Petrucci, Jan-Olof Tjader
25: Italy 6. / published by Robert Marichal, Jan-Olof Tjader, Guglielmo Cavallo
46: Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Norway, Holland, Republic of Georgia, Spain / published by Tiziano Dorandi
50: Italy 22. : Cava dei Tirreni / published by Maria Galante
47: Addenda / published by Tiziano Dorandi and Pierre Gasnault
48: Corrigenda / published by Tiziano Dorandi and Jan-Olof Tjäder
76: Italy 48 : Lucca 5. / published by Clelia Gattagrisi, Francesco Magistrale
70: Italy 42 : Piacenza 7. / published by Flavia De Rubeis
71: Italy 43 : Piacenza 8. / published by Cristina Mantegna
8: The United States of America 4
92: Italy 64. : Parma 1. / published by Francesca Santoni
100: Switzerland 3. : Sankt Gallen 1. / published by Peter Erhart
89: Italy 61 : Nonantola 2. / published by Giovanni Feo, Lorenza Iannacci, Maddalena Modesti
93: Italy 65. : Parma 2. / published by Cristina Mantegna
44: Austria 2. / published by Tiziano Dorandi
45: Austria 3. / published by Tiziano Dorandi and Jan-Olof Tjader
88: Italy 60 : Modena Nonantola 1. / published by Giovanni Feo, Maddalena Modesti, Matteo Al Kalak, Melania Mezzetti
91: Italy 63. : Reggio Emilia, Firenze / published by Maddalena Modesti, Melania Mezzetti, Lorenza Iannacci, Annafelicia Zuffrano
Part 83: Italy 55. : Lucca 12. / published by Antonino Mastruzzo
33: Italy 14. : << >>Italia centrale, Lucca, 4! / published by Francesco Magistrale
34: Italy 15. : <<[>>Italia centrale, Lucca, 5] / published by Paola Supino Martini
41: Egypt 1. : <<[>>Alessandria e Cairo] / published by Tiziano Dorandi
42: Egypt 2. : <<[>>Cairo] / published by Tiziano Dorandi
43: Austria 1. : <<[>>Feldkirch, Diozesanarchiv; Wien, Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung] / published by Tiziano Dorandi
77: Italy 49 : Lucca 6. / published by Francesco Magistrale, Clelia Gattagrisi, Paolo Fioretti
81: Italy 53. : Lucca 10. / published by Antonino Mastruzzo
Part 86: Italy 58. : Lucca 15. / published by Clelia Gattagrisi, Corinna Drago Tedeschini
Part 98: Italy 70. : Bergamo / published by Maddalena Modesti (Università di Bologna)
Soggetti Paleografia latina (Soggettario di Firenze)
Manoscritti latini - Riproduzioni e facsimili (Soggettario di Firenze)
Manoscritti latini - Cataloghi (Soggettario di Firenze)
Nomi Cavallo, Guglielmo [ scheda di autorità ]
Bruckner, Albert [ scheda di autorità ]
Marichal, Robert [ scheda di autorità ]
Nicolaj, Giovanna [ scheda di autorità ]
Forme varianti dei nomi Bruckner , Albert Theophil -> Bruckner, Albert
Petronio Nicolaj , Giovanna -> Nicolaj, Giovanna
Nicolaj Petronio , Giovanna -> Nicolaj, Giovanna
Identificativo record CFI0066541
BibliotecaCollocazioneInventarioNote di esemplareNumero dei volumi o consistenze dei periodiciFruizione
Biblioteca universitariaV E 7